LETS KEEP IT REAL! Ok so SOME of US have ISSUES putting our PENIS in certain areas. This is a TOPIC that some of us know a lot about. One day while in NEW YORK randomly roaming around the CITY I decided to go into a SEX SHOP & ask a FEW QUESTIONS about this ISSUE. I explained to the STORE CLERK how my SEXUAL PARTNER had issues taking my PENIS & I was looking for something that would either OPEN the area up or make it able to SLIDE in.
I asked if TOYS would help such as DILDOS or a PUMPER would help he said YES but maybe your partner wouldn't be willing to try it & I agreed. I then ask do you have any LUBE that isn't STICKY but extremely SLIPPERY...He winked his eye at me & I started to SMIZE I said "What you got?" He took my hands & said "BE CAREFUL"
He then started to SQUEEZE an ounce of this LUBE on my FINGER I replied "This feels AMAZING, its SEXY I LOVE IT!"...
He replied "Its our BEST one its called PJUR ORIGINAL SUPER CONCENTRATED BODY GLIDE" I simply wrote the name down & bought it the NEXT DAY...When I said my SEXUAL PARTNER took it like a PRO they took it like a PRO-FRESH-ANAL!
Smh Lol